Thursday, November 7, 2013

Togo, mon pays

I went for the first time to Togo 3 years ago, in 2010. I needed to do my internship for my last semester. And I decided to go somewhere out of Belgium. I had the chance of getting an offer by Oxfam Belgium to go to Burkina Faso or Togo. I decided to take Togo because it was in the capital and I could stay in a family. And I didn't regret...

So the end of January I finished my exams and I had one week left to prepare my internship and my travel to Togo! It was a rush. Really! Especially if you don't know what to take. Luckely I have a dad who went several times to Africa so I had a little idea :) Finally I took off, started my 3 months journey to a continent I didn't know except of what I see on tv. Little detail: it was my first time flying! Directly a 6h trip. A good inauguration.
And I still remember my first hours there. I didn't had something like 'woooow I'm in Africa'. Probably because I was so tired. It was dark so I just saw a lot of people at the side of the road with candles and the fruits they were selling. I remember that the smell was different on the street. It was hot but not to hot. When I arrived at home there was no light because they just had 'la besse', what means that there was not enough power to really make a lamp light up. The next day I woke up and I still didn't had that waw-I'm-in-Africa-feeling. It was just my new home. I took breakfast and was surprised they didn't had normal bread, that the few-days-old-chickens were picking in my feet, that they liked the music I was playing (The Cure) and that I was sooooo scared on the motorcycle... Damn I never went on a motorcycle and then they put me on one in a road made of sand. I freaked. But I got used to it so after a month I prefered the motorcycles, the zeds/zems/zemmized instead of the car. Now a days when I go back I'm always freaking again. I'm always sure they will lose control and fall. It's stupid but I saw too much crazy drivers overthere and there are more and more drivers. All without a licence! Oh I also remember that the water we digged was sooooo soft and just the right temperature to shower. Crazy :D

It's such a crazy country in a crazy continent. But I lost my heart overthere. The people are so warm, so sweet. They give you so much love and happiness. All those colors, the music, the sun. It's so amazing. You can never find this here in Belgium.

Of course it's not all rosy. Definitaly not! You have those bastard mosquitos, I hate them. And I also hate those big beetles coming out of the toilet. Brrrr!!!! I also saw dragonflies and they were enormous! Let's say the insects are out of proportion and more dangerous. I'm not a fan of them. Really happy that I sleep underneath a mosquito net that I could buth underneath my matras so I could be sure nothing got into my bed :p

Oh I miss Togo. I'm really hoping I can go back next year :) The last time I saw them was 2012 so really toooo long ago.

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