Saturday, November 23, 2013


It's saterday evening and I'm at home. Cozy, enjoying the warmth because it's so cold outside. And a lazy saterdaynight after a whole day of work can be just the thing I need. So when I'm in my lazy, comforting moment I make it a really warm nest for myself or my friends who are having their lazy, comforting moment at my place :)

So how do I make my home a cocoon for everyone? First: give us some heat! Sometimes not that easy because one person is more chilly than the other....And of course you boost it a little bit with candles!!!! All spreaded over the area that has to be cozy up. So when you have a party and you have smokers you also put some candles outside. That's the most important part I think. All the rest is grading this atmosphere up to ultimate relaxation. You can also call it heaven :)

My upgrades are often the same. Good music is important, but I can also enjoy just a good moment of silence. Just relax that brain by giving it some silence. No more impulses to process, mmmm... And while my mind is relaxing by doing nothing I destress by cooking or eating a lovely dish. But I don't like take-away so I have to cook. But the idea of the end result while I'm cooking is making me often so happy that I really destress. What is good food for me? Euhm duck in an orange-soya sauce marinade and noodles with cherry tomatoes, ognion, carrot and pepper with orange juice. Mmmm... Or a ratatouille with couscous. Or a baguette with frushetta and mozarella. Basic but oh so good. And if you have company: cheese fondue with bread and a good glass of wine. Basic but delicious. And cozy for everyone because you can do it while sitting on the floor in front of the heating ^^ double fun!
Or you trade the music or company in for a date with a good book or just reading some pulp in women's magazines. 

What do you do to make it cozy in your home? :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Gluhwein, sparkles and hot chocolate milk

Today I've heard that the christmas tree of Brussels is coming and.... it will be a real one, whoohoo! And tonight the first snow flakes will whirl down in the Ardennes (south of Belgium). Wintertime is very very close! But honestly, I'm a lover and a hater. I don't like the cold and I don't like the snow. But ok, you can put on the heat and layer yourself with thousands of clothes and blankets! Drink hot chocolate or gluhwein, eat cake near the hearth-fire (if you are so lucky to have one. I don't). So that makes everything cozy. And don't forget the little lights and candles!
But at the otherhand you have all those Santa Clauses that are singing everywhere (shops, gardens, markets, ...), all that decadence on the social evenings, the pressure to be happy even if it's cold and dark all the time.

But ok, that's not why I wanted to write this. It's because I love christmas markets. I really adore them. So I thought 'hmm let's put my favourites and wanna-see-this-year in a list'. So here I go :)

1. My number one favourite is the one in Leuven! It's small and so cute. You have some traditional little wooden cabins but most are in white tents, filled with warm light. And you can visit the house of Santa Claus!!! I also like the fact you find a lot of craftwork. More artistic than at the other markets I visited yet.
You also have a lot of students and professors walking around, like always in that city, so the atmosphere is fun, joyful, ... very student-like. If you are there I can also recommend those 2 foodstops: Restaurant Sakura if you want to have sushi or other japanese food and De werf for dessert (favourite? chocolatemousse!!!) or to play some board games :)
Start: 12/12/2013
End: 22/12/2013

2. My second favourite is the one in Brussels! Much bigger than the one in Leuven with of course another atmosphere (it's still a metropolian city) but really a must-visit. Even if I'm afraid of heights, I always go into the big wheel to see how beautifully the city is lighted and I love the creepy carousel  on 'Place sint-katherine'. It also has some creepy music which makes it more scarier!
Start: 29/11/2013
End: 05/01/2014

3. Last year I drove by the christmas market of Antwerp and thought I should come and see this one day. So hopefully this year :) But I'm sure the city on himself will be beautiful as well! All those small streets, little squares. I think it will be beautifully lighted!
Start: 07/12/2013
End: 31/12/2013

4. Another one that I want to see is at Liège. It's the biggest and oldest of Belgium. They also have an exhibition and they have, like Brussels, a guest-country. This year it's Russia. So I hope to find some very warm gloves and matching hat on that Russian market ^^
Start: 29/11/2013
End: 30/12/2013


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Discovering: Brussels! - Les Marolles & Sobieski

Monday was a day off because it was a holiday. Normally it's nothing special for me because I never work on Monday. But this one my boyfriend was at home too and that's fun! So because he lives in Brussels he showed me some places I didn't know yet.

First we went to 'Les Marolles'. It's one of the oldest areas of Brussels. The people from that area are known ass 'Les Marolliens'. What can you find overthere? A second hand market at 'Place du Jeu du balle' or 'Vossenplein' and the design and antique shops in the main streets 'Rue Haute' and 'Rue Blaes'
It was lovely. There's so much to see, the atmosphere is great and now in autumn you can eat roasted chestnuts. Love them! And when you hear the music of the accordeon (there are always some people playing) you travel back to the old times ^^ Just amazing!

Afterwards we went to a little hided park, called 'Parc de 'Sobieski'. You also have 'Jardin du Fleuriste' who is just next to it. Let's say it's a bit of paradise. Now everything is 'sleeping' (read: no flowers at all!) but I'm so sure itrs beautiful at the end of spring-begin of summer. So little note in my agenda 'Check park 'Sobieski in flowertime'. With a picknick of course. Can't wait to see it again. Infact you have 2 parts. One is very open and symmetrical with a lot fowers. The other part is a bit of a fairy tale forest. I jusssed the fairies..t mi..

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fancy & Burlesque

Yesterday I had an amazing evening at Antwerp. First I went eating in 'Appelmans' and afterwards I went to see a Burlesque show.

The food in Appelmans was amazing. We were with 6 and everyone took something totally different: Bouillabaisse, steak, stoofvlees, flounder, a brochette assortiment (I think) and I had a vegetarian Tajine.  The resume of everyone? Delicious! Everything was spicy enough, the right quantity and beautifully served.
Ok some more information? First my tajine! It's a lot! So really be sure you are very hungry. The flavours are good. There is a lot of coriander, a bit of anise (you will find the pieces of the anise when you are finishing the dish), made it spicy by the ginger and sweeted by the raisins. You got a big assortiment of vegetables: zucchini, eggplant; stringbean, paprika, ... Delicious!
The salad with the steak was served in a great way: you have slice of zucchini wrapped around the salad. Really fun because normally you got a bowl.
Also the bouillabaisse was served in a delicious way! First you get the plate with the variety of fish and then they pour it with the soup that they bring in a little ceramic can. Served with some toasted bread.
For the other dishes, I don't have a big description, except that they were really good because I was too hungry and impressed by my food I didn't really pay attention on it. And that means a lot! :D
Where: Papenstraatje 1 - Antwerpen
Price-class: normal

So after the dinner we went to a Burlesque show.So the glamour continue. The girls were amazing. It was their first show in big public and they did it soooo good. Funny and sexy with that little glittertouch.
I like it that they all have their own style, that we all think 'waw I want to do that too'. I'm sure that every woman, big or small size, can see that we are all fun and sexy. Don't we all have that kittenish? Sometimes we need to express that a little more, and that's why we have burlesque.
I wish the girls a lot of luck. I hope to see them soon again in a next show and I can only say to everyone: like their facebookpage, check their website to stay tuned! :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

My dreamhouse -1-

We all dream, don't we? And those things, those are what I want:
- A round bath with view on the sea. I love the space that I have. For myself or with the girls or my partner. 
- For the terrace I would love a nippa, underneath some trees. It's cool in the summer and if it pour a bit you    can still be outside. But some candles, cushions and a soft music. All the ingredients for a romantic night or    just a fantastic holiday feeling. Love love love!
- I think the closeth in the stair is amazing! So practical! And you can put a mirror with some make up in one   so when you rush outside you don't need to go to the bathroom OR you can do your check-up/correction     just before you leave. Everything by hand. Handy; no?
- Last but not least: the floating bed! Or is it a couch? I won't use it as my daily bed BUT if you wanna do a      nap is just really relaxing I think. And you always have a spare bed for guests (who won't love this on his      holiday?!). You can also use it for some me-time. Just with a book or some music, you laptop, camera...      You can only love this.

For more information, you can check the links below :)

Togo, mon pays

I went for the first time to Togo 3 years ago, in 2010. I needed to do my internship for my last semester. And I decided to go somewhere out of Belgium. I had the chance of getting an offer by Oxfam Belgium to go to Burkina Faso or Togo. I decided to take Togo because it was in the capital and I could stay in a family. And I didn't regret...

So the end of January I finished my exams and I had one week left to prepare my internship and my travel to Togo! It was a rush. Really! Especially if you don't know what to take. Luckely I have a dad who went several times to Africa so I had a little idea :) Finally I took off, started my 3 months journey to a continent I didn't know except of what I see on tv. Little detail: it was my first time flying! Directly a 6h trip. A good inauguration.
And I still remember my first hours there. I didn't had something like 'woooow I'm in Africa'. Probably because I was so tired. It was dark so I just saw a lot of people at the side of the road with candles and the fruits they were selling. I remember that the smell was different on the street. It was hot but not to hot. When I arrived at home there was no light because they just had 'la besse', what means that there was not enough power to really make a lamp light up. The next day I woke up and I still didn't had that waw-I'm-in-Africa-feeling. It was just my new home. I took breakfast and was surprised they didn't had normal bread, that the few-days-old-chickens were picking in my feet, that they liked the music I was playing (The Cure) and that I was sooooo scared on the motorcycle... Damn I never went on a motorcycle and then they put me on one in a road made of sand. I freaked. But I got used to it so after a month I prefered the motorcycles, the zeds/zems/zemmized instead of the car. Now a days when I go back I'm always freaking again. I'm always sure they will lose control and fall. It's stupid but I saw too much crazy drivers overthere and there are more and more drivers. All without a licence! Oh I also remember that the water we digged was sooooo soft and just the right temperature to shower. Crazy :D

It's such a crazy country in a crazy continent. But I lost my heart overthere. The people are so warm, so sweet. They give you so much love and happiness. All those colors, the music, the sun. It's so amazing. You can never find this here in Belgium.

Of course it's not all rosy. Definitaly not! You have those bastard mosquitos, I hate them. And I also hate those big beetles coming out of the toilet. Brrrr!!!! I also saw dragonflies and they were enormous! Let's say the insects are out of proportion and more dangerous. I'm not a fan of them. Really happy that I sleep underneath a mosquito net that I could buth underneath my matras so I could be sure nothing got into my bed :p

Oh I miss Togo. I'm really hoping I can go back next year :) The last time I saw them was 2012 so really toooo long ago.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Italy, the land of foodlovers, nudity, fashionista's and yoghurt flavoured ice-cream

Italy, who's able to resist the charms of this country? I don't.

I got to know Italy this year, what a beautiful country! I wanted to go overthere because of the food, I just love pasta, pesto and tomatoes. I wanted to go for the nature, everyone told me how amazing it is. I wanted to go a little bit for the art and architecture. And if I need to point out the 'art' and 'architecture' I wanted to see, well it was the Trevi fountain (Rome) and the Doge Palace (Venice). Those were the only things on my program that needed to be seen. And there was one little other thing why I wanted to go: it's the country of Paolo Conte.
But of course, it's much more than that. The gelato is so sweet, mannequin-outfits hit your eyes and it's full of gadgetshops. So let me take you with me on my discovery trip in Italy, because when I arrived, totally alone, I was an Italy-virgin.

Ok, so my first stop after my departure in Brussels was Milano. I went up to meet my first and amazing couchsurfer-host Maurizio. And yes, I was not only an Italy-virgin, also a couchsurfer-virgin... And it turned out to be a great couchsurfing-experience. Maurizio showed me a little sicilian restaurant, explained what's worth seeing and was a really good listener and real-life-stories-teller.
So, Milano, what do I remember? I remember it's a big crowded city and I was getting lost the whole time because of all those little streets and squares! So take the metro to the big places and keep your eye on the map when you start to wander around because it's really hard to find your spot on the map. I was unprepared for this city. I didn't find the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, neither the best gelatoplace Maurizio told me. But I found great little shops nearby metrostop Porta Romana. that's important and I eated the best pizza of the whole trip nearby Pasteur. So I need to do Milano again to get a better impression of it :)

The day after I took the train to Stresa, a little place at Lago Maggiore. And that was sopeaceful after the big big city Milano with all his shops. Just the lake, some tourists and sunshine. I took the boat to the islands. They are small, but very picturesque. The lake, the view on the mountains, the beautiful palace on Isola Bella,.... I can really recommend it for a daytrip.

So after Milano I decided to go to Parma. Famous because of the parmezan and the parma ham. Everyone knows this food, but almost everyone is surprised when I say that it's originaly from Parma. The good point of nobody thinking or knowing it, is that it's a lovely, small, quiet city. It stoled my heart. The buildings are painted in soft, smooth colors. They really lived, you see it. It's not that chic from for example Firenze but not dirty and ugly like the suburb of Rome. It's just a little student city with a lot, really a lot of churches! I had an amazing time in that one day I was overthere. Wandered around, always finding the way,surprised by the beauty I found behind every corner. After the opera-museum I was sitting in a little park. Looking the children playing football, the old man walking through it and last but not least that kiddy playing with the pigeons. I loved it so much. Oh yes, every Thursday you can find a flea market at Via Massimo d'Azeglio.

I left Parma to go to Firenze. The city of Michelangelo, the city of art. It's eyeblinding. Everything is so white, so clean it burns your eyes when the sun is shining. And she did shine! Every white-teeth/clothes-advertisement is nothing compared with that whiteness! But what was my impression, except of that? It's overcrowed. More than Milano, less than Venice. So I recommend to go by night. It's also better for your eyes :) Everything is beautifully lighted. It's crowed, but on a nice way. It's filled with students who are going to have fun, so you can see a lot of pretty people in even prettier evening clothes.
I asume that most of the people who goes to Firenze wants to do a lot of musea. I didn't, a bunch of people are waiting and waiting isn't nice. I didn't have enough time neither. But I command (indeed, I command) all of you to go to the Galileo Museum, there's no one there and when you see the inventions they did you just feel so overwhelmed. And stupid, because the ideas those few people had made our lifestyle how it is now. We ow them a lot and almost nobody thinks about it because it's 'boring' science. The best thing in the museum was an english-speaking dad with his little 5 or 6y old girl trying to explain it and she really loved it. It was amazing.
If you like to walk I advice to walk from the Ponte Vecchio, through Costa san Gorgio (you pass the house of Galileo) to the fortress and then take Via di Belvedere until the big gate. Once overthere you go to Piazzale Michelangelo, but certainly stop by the Giardino delle Rose. It's a big walk, don't forget your water and your camera because you go through little real-life-alleys so I'm sure you are going to see memorable things. And I'm not only talking about the view from Piazzale Michelan. One little note for all the great people I met there in the hostel: thanks for the great 2 nights!

Next stop? Rome! Time to meet my second couchsurfing-host Yuri and some other couchsurfers, Runa and Diana! One thing before I start about Rome: I don't have a lot to tell. I was tired and had enough of the I-want-to-see-everything-rush. So lovely Runa and I decided to have some chill time :) So what did we do? Vintageshops, vintageshops and vintageshops. Oh and a vintagemarket! If you love vintage, go to Rome and stay over at Yuri's place. He knows it all! I also went to the old-center, of course. It was just Roman-Christmas and there was a lot to do but we just looked at the parade and went to the one and only Trevi Fountain. Why I wanted to see it? Because it's an important part of one of my favourite movies 'Elsa y Fred'. I didn't see the Vatican so I can't tell you if it's really so beautiful like everyone says.

After all those cities I needed some nature so I stayed at a farm in Dozza. My second favourite place in Italy. It's extremely small, like 2 and a half streets but it's fenomenal. Every wall is decorated with beautiful paintings (frescos)! It's an open-air art-gallery. Also the castle is very interesting. I also liked it because you can sit for hours just look at the view because it's so beautiful. The perfect place to order your thoughts and mind. Now I understand why people fall in love with the landscape of Toscane. It's also nearby Imola. A little town, where every Tuesday you can look at a non-dubbed English movie for 6euro's.Always nice ^^
Also here I want to thank the amazing Americans I met and I'm glad I had the honour to host 2 of them after my trip at my place ;)

When you go to Italy it's almost obligated to go to Venice. It smells dirty, the water is dirty, the gondole is way too expensive (like all the other stuff infact), you can only go out in Pico Mundo and the alleys are soooo small you have no place to move so if you are claustrophobic don't go overthere. But! Of course Venice has also good points. It's amazing by night, when there's nobody on the streets. So try to claim a nice local boy or girl, whatever you prefer, to show you around by night. It was the best evening I had.  It's also great to discover it early in the morning (7-8a.m.) to see the real venetian people go to work/school/... I went to the border of the island and was impressed about the hardness of the view. Dark water, mist, .... I can really suggest it. The silence, the emptyness after beeing crushed is a relief. And of course I went to Piazza San Marco and oh my god, I was overwhelmed, impressed by the now-a-days Marco-Museum and the view on the sea.

After leaving the city of Chaos and Small Alleys I went to a my couch in Schio. I didn't visit the city, there's not a lot to do but I heard from my amazing, also-paolo-conte-loving host Guiliano that you can get up the mountain and get above the clouds when they are floating low. I didn't had the chance to do that because the clouds were too hight, but had an amazing time in the radio-studio and with the lovely bandmembers of him :)

And before going back to Milano I did a little stop in Verona, the city of Romeo&Juliet. Because my stop was little and it rained a lot I just got a quick and small impression and it was very positive one. It's small, with a lot of art/culture. Not too crowded (because of the rain?). Just made me think of Parma but more chic. Definitaly going back to discover it. So an update of this city will follow....

How to eat sushi!

Most of the people I know loves sushi. It's a bit 'you love it or you hate it'... It's already very important to find the right place to eat it. So that's one of the only things I won't budget. If you have a sushi restaurant in your neighborhood and it's always empty, avoid it. You really need to be sure that the products are fresh.

An other important thing is: how do you eat sushi? Before I saw this article I didn't know there is something like a 'way-to-eat-it'. But luckely had found this really useful and visual infographic. Enjoy!

surprise carrots

This is not my recipy so when you follow the link you will find how to make it.
I promise I will make it one day AND I will post a picture of it! But if you make it before me, I'm curious about the result.

We love wok!

Where: Place Eugène Simonis, 6 - Brussels
Price-class: budget

When you visit brussels and you are in the area of the Basilique (metrostop Simonis) I can suggest the restaurant 'Wok2day'. It's an Indonesian restaurant where you can have a fine dinner for a good price (15-18€, 1 plate + 1 drink) :)

What did I took? The chicken with peanutsauce and sweet soy sauce. It's was an unknown taste and it pleased me a lot because of the little caramel taste of the soy sauce. It's also made with real peanuts, no peanet butter, what gives a little crunchy bite in the sauce. You also get a nice mixture of vegetables with lemongrass. Top, 10/10!
My companion took the beaf with cocomilk and chili. I tasted it, of course, and it was really sweet. Not too spicy, just in a good balance. Loved it also, so I finished the plate :p

They also get extra points for the nice mood they create. Music is nicely background music (often I think it's too loud in restaurants), the interior is modern but soothing, the service is good and last but not least: they have like several exotic juices! Litchi, Aloé vera, mango,...